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The Full Story

Bumble Candles and Scents was founded by Sherry Scott and inspired by the birth of Lauren Camille Scott. We are family owned and all candles are handcrafted locally in the USA. The idea to create candles originated in 2019. At the time, Lauren, was five years old and she was a beautiful "busy bee”.  The house was buzzing with joy and laughter! I loved lighting candles after she was settled in for the night or while cleaning the house. I enjoyed the beautiful aroma  traveling throughout my space as I reminisced about the memories created with Lauren.


Fast forward to 2024, Lauren is 10 years old and still a beautiful busy bee! Yet, I enjoy lighting a candle with a delightful scent to compliment my mood or IGNITE a fond memory.  So, IGNITE YOUR LIGHT—BUY A BUMBLE!


Our mission is to create candles and scents with an aroma that will light up your space.

Our vision is that our beautiful candles make you feel inspired and delightful. 


Psalms 27:1 & Jeremiah 29:11

Let’s Work Together

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